Towers with Goat Cheese with walnuts and kiwi
4 kiwis, 100 gr. goat cheese, 60 gr. nuts
Macadamia, 1 tablespoon of medium hot mustard, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 2 tablespoons currant syrup, 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons honey, salt, peppercorns
Cut the sliced kiwis and the goat cheese into small cubes. Macadamia nuts Chop coarsely.
Mix the mustard, sour cream, cassis, vinegar and honey until a smooth consistency, and season to taste. Arranging the diced cheese onto a slice of kiwi, and placed above a second slice kiwi, on which spread the bits of Macadamia, ending with a third slice kiwi.
Finally, garnish with walnuts and parsley, and serve with the remaining dressing.